Buenossss!!! Díassss!!! Cómo andan por allá? Pues bueno, ahora éste post es un poco diferente a los otros.
Ustedes saben que una de las libretas de Arthur es la de Música de su Ipod, no? bueno, pues ahora se trata de que vayan para allá, lean su último post, escuchen el tema Despre Tine de O-zone y escojan una de las 3 versiones (la B, la C ó la D) que él tiene linkeadas.
Yo escojo la versión A, que es la única que tiene en su Ipod, pero que no encontró en ni en, y por eso posteó las otras 3 versiones.
Ahora vayan, escuchen y escojan.
Saludos, abrazos y besos
Nice Day, con toda mi Alma:
Gusthav, tan musical como Arthur
Good Day!!! How R U there? How do you do? Well now, this post is a little bit different from the others.
You know one of Arthur's blogs is the one which has music from his Ipod, right? well, now it's about to go there, then, read his last post, and then, listen to his last song (Despre Tine by O-zone), and choose one of the 3 versions he has posted (the B, the C or the D), and he has linked.
I choose version A, though it's the only Arthur has in his Ipod, but he couldn't find neither at nor, so he posted the other 3 versions.
Now go, listen and choose.
Greetings, hugs and kisses
Nice Day, with my whole soul:
Gusthav, as musical as Arthur